Members' News

OFs in 2024 General Election

OFs in 2024 General Election

The UK held a General Election on 4 July 2024 and there was unique involvement by OFs.

We had 3 OFs who stood for parliament with 2 of these OFs being Deputy Leaders of their party and 2 of them being successfully elected as MPs.

Daisey Cooper MP (P1997-99) was deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats and was re-elected as MP for St Albans, Dr David Bull (Z1980-87)  was deputy leader of Reform UK and unsuccessfuly stood as a candidate for West Suffolk and Jack Abbott MP (R2007-2009) was elected for the first time as a Labour MP for Ipswich.

If you know of any other OFs standing in the 2024 General Election please email us.


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