
SOF Rifle Club – All Day Shoot match report

So there is a lot to get done before the first shot goes down the range at 8.30 am promptly. There were a lot of tousled heads, particularly among the boys and girls from Fram, who’d had to leave at some ungodly hour to arrive at Bisley. That’s the sort of dedication shooting requires, particularly at the height of the exam season!

The skies threatened rain, but layers of wet-weather gear ensured that the sun soon broke through, and a lovely day developed. The OF team was short of some regular members, whose absence we were to regret.

Mediocre scoring at 300 yards allowed an advantage the OL’s that we were never able to recover. Eventually we succumbed to a 47 point defeat. However, we know that the OL’s worked a three-line whip to field their best firers, so anxious were they to avenge last years Q Match defeat.

The match against the College was a nail-biter, and went right down to the wire. The College’s two-point lead after 900 yards was eroded by the greater experience of the OF firers at the extreme long range, and finally the Old Boys won by two points. However, an extremely creditable score from a young College team.

Time was when the OF’s would have beaten them by two points per man. The future looks rosey indeed for College shooting. The Medals for the day where awarded to John Halahan for the Old Boys, and Alex Walker for the College.

Nigel Burnip (Capt OFRC) presents the Medal to Alex Walker from the College
Not many people dwarf Nigel!

OFRC vs Old Lawrentians 2003
Name 300 600 900 1000 TOTAL
Nigel Burnip (Capt) 48 5 48 5 46 1 46 3 188 14
John Halahan 46 2 48 6 45 3 45 3 184 14
James Mehta 44 4 48 5 46 1 46 3 184 13
Andrew Horton 46 3 48 4 41 1 44 2 179 10
John Horton 44 3 44 2 45 1 42 2 175 8
Jason Michelow 42 1 43 3 45 4 41 1 171 9
Neil Joy 41 2 44 1 39 1 44 4 168 8
Brian Smith 42 4 42 0 43 0 40 1 167 5
TOTALS 353 24 365 26 350 12 348 19 1416 81
Old Lawrentians 377 28 365 20 366 25 355 21 1463 94
OFRC vs College (Teams of Five)
OFRC 910 59
Framlingham College 908 57


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