
OF Newmarket Supper Report

The usual convivial evening was enjoyed by all and the arrangements had been expertly effected by Peter Golding. James Ruddock opened the speeches by reading extracts from the report of the Dinner on 6 October 1933 in a magazine recently received from Peter Lloyd-Bostock. The Headmaster, Dr Inskip was present soon after his Golden Wedding. The school had been at a low ebb after the Depression and the President of the SOF, F J Jackson, said numbers could only go up but so long as the school was efficient within. A hoped for fixture with the MCC was mentioned and the school certificate success rate had gone up from 65% to 70%. The Junior House, started with 20 boys a while ago now had 48 boys and bursaries had been given by Mr Moreau. Four OFs contributed to the enjoyable musical programme.

The President of the SOF, Norman Porter gave apologies fromn the Head who had to cancel her attendance at the last minute over expected difficulties from the Town ( which did not materialise). Norman said he was delighted to see several ‘new’ faces and was pleased to report that David Carr had taken up the position of Honorary Treasurer; other posts had been filled except that of the Editor. Norman then asked Jim Blythe to say a few words about the ceremony for handing over two VCs to the Imperial War Museum which is reported in full in another part of the magazine.

Norman was trying new events but the take-up was poor in spite of the general strength of the Society. However there was concern that younger members and girls very occasionally took part in Council activities or attended the various events. The President evolved his speech in to a discussion and Rob McClean recalled how the Society throve in the 1940s: ‘Was there missing appreciation of the parents? ’. He said school fees were 98 guineas and amounted to one-third of parents’ income. Norman pointed out that general attitudes were so different from 50 years ago and that the latter years of collegiate education was at Universities and the contemporaries there were their last remembered such friends. Simon Rosen and others gave their views on reasons for the apathy in certain circles and suggest ways forward. The President concluded by saying we had to have a symbiotic approach to all matters in future.

Those present were:

Bob Morris 1991-2000
Tony Martin 47-55
Norman Porter 52-57
Roger Last 35-42
Roland Nice 48-55
Jim Blythe 48-54
Jon Ford 58-62
Bob Clayton 50-57
Derek Barralet 52-55
Brian Dent 50-55
David Hodge 44-50
John Gooderham 44-53
Chris Bellamy 54-64
Cdr John Simpson 32-36
JAT Saul 49-56
John Raynham 45-50
Peter Golding 45-49
Andrew Golding 68-74
John Waugh 41-48
Michael Smy 57-66
Simon Rosen 64-73
Rob McLean 42-48
James Ruddock 46-52
plus eight wives / guests.


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