
Overseas Bag – Spring 2006

This might be my last official Overseas Bag though I don’t doubt I will continue to assist in the future; just the pressure of bringing up three young boys along with managing my own business and all its travel. I had to do an accounting check recently and see that I have been out of the country for 255-days in the last 5-years; that’s nearly 15% of each year gone in travel away from the family. And now with each boy taking on sports, my free time is taken up with trips to soccer, baseball, ice hockey, boating, etc. So I don’t want to let down the rest of the team by being unreliable for editorial deadlines; but as the “editorial team” might confirm, I am still there doing my bit behind the scenes as time permits.

We still need more “editorial volunteers” like myself to provide occasional resource in researching stories, etc when their own time permits. The biggest effort is in researching various angles on “Famous or Distinguished OFs”. We are making progress and I gather there are some displays at the College, and we hope to start to publish on the website soon.

Keep the correspondence coming – and do send photos.


Chris Shaw K50-56 emailed from Cairns at the end of March having survived through the Category 5 Cyclone Larry that hammered the Queensland coast:

“Hi! Richard. Thanks for the concern. We are fine! No electricity or phone for three days, no food worth calling in freezer or fridge, and more trees down than in a timber mill, but we are safe and the house is in one piece. If one degree North or 80Km it would have been a different story. Our local radio station got a call from a bod in Canada asking how we could have a Katrina event and no loss of life. I guess the answer is practice. Most of the houses that were damaged were 1900-1940 vintage, wooden with galvanised iron roofs, which peel off when the wind gets above about 200km/hr! Since 1974, when Cyclone Tracy literally devastated Darwin, a man called Walker was responsible for rehashing the building code for new buildings. The results of that can be seen after such testing times. The secateurs and bush saw are getting a real work out, as am I! At least our politicians seem to be coping with the storm better than in the US; it was reported there that a US politician visiting New Orleans just after Katrina had been asked his opinion on “Roe v Wade” and had replied “he didn’t know how the survivors got out of New Orleans”! Best wishes, Chris and Rebecca Shaw

Phil Bower G65-74 sent message from Sydney in February 2006:

“My older brother, Nigel G58-68 (Nigel on right in photo, Phil to the left), came over for Christmas & New Year. Nigel has 2 sons, one is in Korea teaching them English, not sure what the other is up to! I was retrenched at the end of November 05 by my French employer. Now, those who know my almost legendary “froggolophobia” will appreciate that such a dastardly act isn’t going to exactly promote harmonious feelings towards a certain part of Europe! So I’m back on the chain gang again working whatever shows I can get into. My new band is cooking up quite nicely and should be ready to inflict some suffering on the listening public by the end of March. I’m still shooting pictures wherever and whenever but my website hasn’t been updated for some time – that’s on the to do list.
“Dee and I just celebrated 12 continuous years of marriage – and looking forward to not less than at least twice that still to come!
The 2005 OF Yearbook arrived today. Very enlightening and entertaining. Memories and comparisons came flooding in. So sad to see people that I knew personally at school dying so young. Brian Mabie especially, for some reason, struck a chord. I remember the day he met rugby. He threw a perfect spiralled pass to an open winger the first time he got the ball. If only we’d thought to explain the basic rules to him first! Really nice guy, and very sad to see his passing. And there, as Freddie Mercury would say, you have it!
All the best, Phil & Dee

Simon Ray-Hills S72-77 made contact from Perth at the end of 2005 to help with some photo gallery names and included a brief update on his family:

“I am married to Sue with 3 boys (18, 18 & 14). I had been living in Hampton Court and working as a Graphic Designer in London until 2004 when we decided to emigrate to Perth Australia. We are now living in a suburb of Perth (Swanbourne) – 10 minutes from the City, and 5 from the beach. Still working in the city. Playing over 40’s hockey for a team called Suburban. One of my sons was selected for the under 18’s Western Australian hockey team, and they became National Champions last month. No other news at the moment, but if he makes the National side I’ll let you know. All the best, Simon

John Gates S44-48 sent greetings from Queensland at New Year with the following brief report:

The following are meeting for lunch on the 2nd of January 2006 at Maroochydore:-
John Gates, Peter Bailey K34-38, Neville Marsh S53-61, and Peter Simpson K32-40 – and of course our wives. The Gates & the Bailey’s are then off to New Zealand for 3 weeks on the 1st Feb 2006 that will be fun.

In a letter to the Editor (NHP) in May 2006, John Bennett 34-42 wrote:
Many thanks for the 60th Anniversary booklet and for your very kind personal letter. I’ve read “Their Swords•” from cover to cover and am grateful to John Waddell and all those who helped produce it. It stirred a lot of memories for me and no doubt for many others. Repton stands out as a very happy interlude in the early years of the war. It was very moving to read again the names of those on the WW 2 Memorial. No less than 27 were contemporaries of mine (’34-’42) and 12 of them I knew well. The sacrifice of their youth and all their possibilities helped ensure victory, but what a contribution people like Glyn Whittaker and the others would have made had they gone on living.
Here we have just celebrated Anzac Day with traditional marches across the country commemorating the landings at Gallipoli on 25/4/15. The last of the WW 1 veterans died last year, but the number of those marching continues to grow with veterans from Korea and Vietnam, peacekeepers, and relatives wearing the medals of parents and grandparents. This year in Canberra 27,000 attended the Dawn Service and there were thousands again at the later march. We still honour Remembrance Day, but Anzac Day is a very special tribute to Australians and New Zealanders. At 81 I was glad to be able to march as usual with the British contingent. Then in the next day’s paper there was a photo of a real veteran – 97 and still marching!

I believe the SOF has always been very fortunate in its Presidents and Secretaries who through the magazine and personal correspondence have helped to keep the Fram family of “old boys” together especially those in far-off places. I recall with gratitude letters I received from A P during my service with SEAC and appreciated the photo of him in the booklet with Watson, H E Brown and R W Kirkman.
With warm regards and nostalgia for the lovely Suffolk countryside, John Bennett


Jens J. Kippenberger G91-92 renewed contact with the SOF through the website as he would like to get back in contact with other OFs.


Bryan Pearson S45-47 sent some updates on his recent cruises:
“Aloha. Last September 2005, Celestine and I boarded the Tahitian Princess in Papeete for a 10 day cruise to Rarotonga in the Cook Islands and were royally entertained by Captain Nick Carlton G63-70, to the point where I was concerned that we were monopolising too much of his time to the detriment of the other 680 passengers! Needless to say, it was a wonderful experience and we had loads of time to reminisce about our days at Fram. The last day, we went up to the bridge, where I had spent a great deal of time during the cruise, and took some pictures wearing the OF ties that we had brought with us for the occasion (l-r: Nick and Bryan).

My next cruise, scheduled for June 2006, aboard the Tahitian Princess with Captain Nick Carlton, has been canceled. This is because, due to a shuffling of captains in the Princess fleet, he will be taking over the Regal Princess in California from in June until August 24th, so I have switched my booking over and will be aboard with Nick from August 4th to 14th 2006. We sail from San Francisco up the Inland Passage to Alaska and back. Actually, this will be a nice change of pace as we have done the Tahiti area many times already and this will give me a chance to visit my daughter in Sonoma before the cruise. Neither Celestine nor I have seen Erika’s house since she bought it about 3 years ago.
I am have also been trying to get in contact with my SOF “cousin”, Steve Mayhew R68-75 (his Mother is my aunt through marriage as she is the step sister of my late Mother). Steve attended UWIST in Cardiff after Fram and is now kept very busy with hockey umpiring and soon he will be preparing for tennis umpiring at Stella Artois and Wimbledon.
Best regards, Bryan & Celestine


Iain Fidlin M73-77 sent in the attached photo in April 2006 of Ian Howard S57-62, Iain F, and John Birt S59-63 after a chance meeting at the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens.


John Simpson K32-36 sent word in October 2005 of two of his itinerant family whilst assisting with Gallery photo names:

“Yes, I was in Rugby XVs with Norman Borrett S31-36 from the Colts onward; but I had no eye for any smaller ball and that was my only athletic achievement! We were in the same form most of the time and, of course, I saw him from time to time when he was Second Master and I was a Governor; and, in the end, when we were both living in Framlingham. There was a photograph of the 1935 XV in the Autumn 2002 magazine, taken after the King’s School Rochester match (Charles Borrett S30-35 was Captain then). I’m sure I have some photographs of various activities but it’s a question of getting at the boxes where they might be. I’ll keep an eye open for them.

Son Jeremy K56-64 will be with be with us for a fortnight in ten days’ time from his base in the Philippines / Hong Kong. You can see what he’s doing on & get him on . He is now a serial grandfather – his daughter, Becky, still in HK, has two daughters and son, Ben BH84-86, has a strapping son. Ben brought him to see us earlier in the year. He is still in Kenya and still loving it – flying choppers now. The relevant website is but when I looked a couple of days ago I found that the domain name had lapsed at the end of September. They’re near Mount Kenya, on home-brewed electricity and with a tenuous e-connexion: I believe he receives emails but he’s given up answering them. He was in very good form when we saw him. Paternity has caused him to give up paragliding but I’m not sure about adventurous motor-cycling.
With best wishes, John


Adam Phillips G78-83 sent Christmas greetings:

All is well down here in Cape Town. I still work for Investec Bank. I believe that Tim Smart R73-81 now lives part of the year in Johannesburg.


John Birt S59-63 sent a brief report on his 60th birthday bash in January:

“I was recently given a splendid dinner by several of my pals at a superb restaurant in Bangkok to celebrate my 60th birthday which fell on 8th January. Ian Howard S57-62 was present and had obviously given the organiser the lowdown on my life and times as there was a cocktail list of drinks that were all named after some part of my past history. Most would mean nothing to the uninitiated but there three cocktails invented for the occasion that might amuse you.

1. Sandhurst Sizzler
Citrus Vodka, Grand Marnier & Lemon Juice
2. Gurkha Grumbler
Bourbon, Sweet Vermouth & Angostura Bitters
and for all OFs
3. Stradbroke Blazer
Kahlua, Bailey’s & Grand Marnier
How about a Rendlesham Ruin or Garrett Gimlet or Kerrison Kooler??
Best regards John

Michael Regan M77-79 made contact from Bangkok in May 06 to say that he would be moving to Koh Samui soon to continue with his hotel staff training work. He hoped to meet up with John Birt and other OFs while based there.


Tony Neubroch G61-69 made contact from Ohio have recently got back in contact with the SOF.

Niall Foster G73-75 emailed from Troy, Ohio having recently rediscovered the SOF through the website:

“I remember your name but not the face, has it really been 30 years!?!? Yes, I do remember Bower, first name I believe was Phil; also James “Wack” Barry, Simon “Beppo” Cain, Richard “Rosie” and Bill Shipley, Simon Narroway (Garrett Head Boy), Timothy “T.Bone” Slaughter, Peter Dring, Ngozi “Boff” Ofili, Ed Giles, Johnny Adnams, Piers Headly (Garrett Head Boy), Chris Essex. Now you have asked the memories and the names have come flooding back? I really was “Gone Away”; I suppose it has taken 30 years for nostalgia to erase some of the less comfortable memories of Framlingham; it was a difficult two years for me coming from the freedom of life in Trinidad to the restrictions of an English boarding school. Still I survived and my Father always said it made me a better man!

Mark Twite R79-87 made contact from Denver, Colorado in Feb 2006 with news of a new arrival:

My wife, Monique, gave birth to our first child, a daughter Anabelle on 24th February 2006 weighing 7lbs 15oz. All are doing well. I am in my final year of training in anesthesiology. I am based at 2 hospitals – University of Colorado Health Sciences Center/The new Fitzsimons Hospital and The Children’s Hospital. I spend most of my time at the latter – a combination of research and pediatric anesthesiology. Later this year we will be in Birmingham, Engalnd for 6 months July-December 2006. I am getting some extra experience in pediatric cardiac anesthesiology at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and we will also be catching up with my side of the family with the new addition.

Bryan Ivory K48-52 braved his computer and the internet to scan and email about 10 photos that we are very grateful for to add to our precious gallery of website photos:

“Well here we go with my first shot at sending some of my school photo’s to you. When I have gone through the album, I will try and give you a list of each team with as many of the lads I can remember. O.K. here we go!!!! The first one is the School 1st XV 1948, undefeated. A great side….my first year at Fram’….I was just a ” New But”!!!

James Kuppe G79-80 made contact from California in Nov 2005:

“I was an ESU exchange student at Framlingham College in 1979. I am trying to locate Ian Birrell G69-80 and Xavier Lam G78-80 (RMR – Ian is listed as ‘Gone Away” but we have passed on details of his brother Mark in Australia; Xavier is also listed as “Gone Away” though thought to be an Architect in London or Hong Kong).

Alfred Molson K38-43 sent New Year greetings and some excerpts of recent contacts with other OFs:

“I just had emails from Ted Woods G38-44, Ron Pine K34-41 and Chris Garrard K41-47. I also spoke to William Shipley G41-47 about ten days ago. He is a retired Vet, farm animals as well as small household pets. I don’t know if you ever heard of ” Turkey ‘X’ disease” back in the mid 1950’s ? William. Shipley had and knew a lot about it. The reason I bring it up is that in those days I was an agricultural commodity trader, not trading Futures on the Chicago COME. but selling 20,000 M/T ship loads of oilseed cake and meal from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and the USA; and it was one of my shipments that turned out to be contaminated with Castor Pumice. We used to crush Castor beans in Brazil for the Oil, used in the manufacture of plastics. The meal, known as Pumice, is poisonous, but when mixed with other oil seed meals makes a very good cheap fertilizer. Most prized by tobacco farmers. Anthony Rosen S40-48, who was an agricultural correspondent also knew all about Turkey ‘X’ which was almost as disastrous as Mad Cow to UK farmers. For me it was the beginning of a 12 month intensive tutorial in International Trade Laws!

In another email, Alfred had been in contact with Michael Blake K72-76 about his father, John Blake K37-39, who had been erroneously rumoured to have been a US Ambassador:

John Thorne Blake K37-39 and his brother Elijah Roman Blake 37-39 were two Americans at Fram in my time. Their father, Maxwell Blake, was the US Consul in Tangiers and I first met them in 1936 when about 35/40 of us went back and forth to the UK to boarding schools on the P & O liners. Maxwell’s first post was in the mid 1800’s, a donkey ride with all his belongings, and some furniture on a hilltop in Tirana, Albania. No Airports in those days. His last post was as Consul General of the U.S.A in Morocco. That post was to see the birth of John Thorne Blake.(circa 1923) He served for approximately 60 years and retired during the WW II. His home in Tangier, Morocco, the one he had built in the old market place, was sold to Barbara Hutton (an American heiress, to the Woolworth fortune) The “American Legation” his office and workplace, also in Tangier, is today the only recognized American museum outside U. S territory.

Another of the group on the P & O ships was the younger E Dempster 38-40. Sorry to say I have forgotten his first name too. I was told that the Older Dempster brother (Fergus Lee Dempster 29-34) won a DSC in WWII, but should have been given a VC according to another OF. I wonder if there is a web site that we could look up, just to read what the circumstances were for the award?“


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