
West of England Supper – Off to a good start

“In addition to the President and his wife, who had travelled hot foot from the OF Golf in Sussex the same afternoon, it was particularly pleasing to have Bryan Shelley (G 39-44) and his wife Diana present. Bryan had previously organised the supper for a number of years, when he used to own the Rose & Crown in Hinton Charterhouse. Also worthy of a special mention for attending is John Rankin (K 47-56) and his wife Angela. Despite living near Harwich in Essex, they had made the long journey across.

One of those who couldn’t attend this time was Eric Jennings (R 36-44). A contemporary of Bryan’s, he couldn’t attend because it was his 80th birthday that weekend and had a big family event planned. We all raised a glass to wish Eric a happy 80th birthday.

The president gave an update on OF events and what’s been happening at the College, followed by a toast to the College and to HM Queen to mark her 80th birthday in 2006. After further coffee and drink we all made our way off around midnight, with the lucky ones only needing to climb upstairs!”

Those present were : Colin Bates (G 58 – 66), Mr and Mrs Charles Carter (R 63 – 69), Robert Currie (R 48 – 52), Mr and Mrs Chris Essex (Organiser, K 69 – 75), Mr and Mrs Nigel Hyde (R 55 – 60), Mr and Mrs Peter Lockwood (R 57 – 64), Mr and Mrs John Rankin (K 47 – 56), Mr and Mrs Bryan Shelley (G 39 – 44), Rodney Walker (G 45 – 49) and Mr and Mrs Andrew Wright (President, R 48 – 57).

The Lamb Inn at Hindon.


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