
Distinguished OF Section

Chris Essex writes: After just over 12 months of thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding research, I have completed the documentation of Distinguished OFs. If you have not visited the Distinguished OFs section recently, please have a look. The last section that I have just completed is one that covers those OFs and Honorary OFs who are distinguished for their service to the Society and/or the College/Brandeston and who do not already feature in one of the other sections.

There are over 800 names listed with more than 400 detailed articles. The list covers from the College start in 1865 through to current students. There is a large section on the Services including our 3 VC’s; there are Princes, Barons, Knights, Sawbwe’s (have a look if you don’t know what that is!), Prime Ministers, and MPs; Presidents of the Royal Academy and members of the Royal Society; pioneering aviators, engineers, doctors, dentists and brewers; Olympians and international sportsmen (hockey, cricket, squash, tennis, shooting and sailing). There are the College’s own dynastic families stretching over 5 generations. You can also hear Augustus Agar VC describing his heroic deeds that led to his VC and shortly we will be adding some actual footage of Percy Pickard’s raid on Amiens Prison.

Take a little while to browse and enjoy the great heritage of being an OF. If you know of anyone that we have missed, please email Chris Essex at the Website Team. – you might even propose yourself (and you wouldn’t be the first!).

Finally my thanks to everyone who has helped me with this piece of work.


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