
Hong Kong Supper Report: Dateline 27 March 2008

The Supper at the Hong Kong Club was attended by seven OFs (Mike Cundy (K61-64) and his sons James(Z90-97) and Nick (Z90-97), John Birt (S59-63), Richard Dolan (G87-92), Ed Marr (G85-92) and myself (S57-62)). The food and wine at the HK Club was excellent and we exchanged some very humorous memories of the College before joining several thousand partygoers in one of HK’s well-known entertainment districts.

This photo shows the attendees prior to the Supper. From left to right they are Richard Dolan, Ian Howard, Edward Marr, John Birt then James, Mike and Nick Cundy.

Spot the difference in the “after” picture below? Rumour has it that one or two ‘entertainers’ were spotted wearing OF ties later that evening on Lockhart Road! I started the evening with 10 and finished with four!

Below follows the original story asking for OFs to come to this event:

If you are likely to be in Hong Kong on 27 March, then there is an event not to be missed. I’m delighted to say that Ian Howard MBE (S57-62) is organising another Hong Kong Supper for Old Framlinghamians at the prestigious Hong Kong Club. Full details are as follows :

When: Thursday 27 March 2008 (day before start of HK Rugby Sevens)

Where: Caernarvon Room of the Hong Kong Club, Jackson Road, Hong Kong.

Time: 7:30 pm

Dress: Jacket/tie – for men. I would not presume to suggest what the lady OFs should wear !

If you are interested in attending then please e-mail Ian Howard MBE


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