
Golfing Trustees – This time it’s Jim Blythe’s turn

The rules were the same as the previous year: Foursomes Matchplay under Sunningdale handicapping (two or more holes adrift and you get a stroke) – an arrangement that always seems to produce a close match. The Worlington team got off to a shaky start, and were given their first Sunningdale stroke on the third hole (and you can’t get one any sooner than that!). Fortunately, though, and thanks to Peter Liell’s splendid new driver, they soon settled down and were two up by the turn, having already more than repaid their Sunningdale bonus to the Rest of the World.

It doesn’t do to count your chickens too soon, however, and ROTW fought-back fiercely to level the match at the fifteenth, and even a brilliant 15-foot putt from Peter Liell (here on the 17th – and it really did drop in) wasn’t enough to save the Worlington pair, and ROTW won 1-up on the 18th.

It had been a wonderful day’s golf, once again, and the fact that the series was now level soon prompted the suggestion of another match next year, regardless of whether anyone else had retired or not! David and Anne Mason joined the players for lunch, and Anne kindly took this photo of David with the two teams.

Peter Howard-Dobson


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