
Queen’s Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant

Bill Collard (S55-58) reports that the recently restored Thames sailing barge Cambria (see OF news 9th December 2011) is one of the few vessels selected to form the static Avenue of Sail at the Queen’s Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant on the 3rd June 2012. As the last UK registered trading vessel to carry a cargo under sail alone, Cambria holds a unique position in UK maritime history. Also in the manpowered section of the parade is the Dunkirk Little Ship M.V. White Marlin, owned in the 1970s by Bill’s late father Geoffrey Collard (S29-31)

Bill also reports that following two successful trial charters last autumn, Cambria will be used by Rotary International though out this years sailing season to promote their ‘caring for carers’ scheme. Rotary have also contracted to use the topsail space over the next three years for their international logo.


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