Ian Howard (S57-62) reports as follows: The annual Hong Kong supper was held
on 22 March, 2012, at the China Club in Central Hong Kong. The occasion brought together the following ten OFs: Ian Howard (S57-62); John Birt (S59-63); Bob Holland (R57-65); Keith Williams (R63-67); Bob Fox (R66-71); Brian Williams (G72-75); Moira Theulier (M91-93); John Ting (G02-09); Henry Tang (K03-10); Ian Tsang (K02-09). John Birt very kindly gave all three of the 21st century OFs an SOF tie.
Brian Williams agreed to provide the venue (East Hotel, Tai Koo Shing, HK) for next year’s supper. The hotel is part of the Swire Group’s expanding hotel chain (of which Brian is MD). Moira Theulier (hurrah for our very first Old Framlinghamienne participant!) agreed to work on a HKSOF Facebook site after Easter.
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