
London Supper Report

This was the first time in many years that the London Supper’s venue has moved and, for those unable to attend, here are several of the subsequent comments received in notes of thanks.
“I enjoyed the OF Supper on 24 January. Thank you. I was pleased that the planning & organization meant that we could finish in good time and, if we were not staying in London, we could catch a reasonable train home.”
“The RAF Club is well-located near a couple of tube stations.”
“The food was excellent at the OF Supper on 24 January, the main course delicious”.
“The RAF Club has a larger dining room for the London suppers. To me this is a key advantage. It means that a good number of OFs can attend without being cramped.”
For those who wished to extend their conversation after the dinner, a late-closing bar ensured that all were catered for, although some then  had to run for the last train!
Footnote:  If you missed this event you may still be able to enjoy the Royal Air Force Club experience at the Annual Dinner, which follows the Society’s Annual General Meeting, on Saturday 23rd March 2013. Contact Simon Dougherty now to make a booking.
Attendees included:
Bill Barringer, Ed Binder, Jenny Binder, Richard Binder, Nigel Burnip, Simon Dougherty, John Ellerby,
Chris Essex, Andrew Fane (Honorary OF), John Goodeham, Michael Holden, Peter Howard-Dobson, Andrew Lillie,
Ian Marsh, David Mason, Chris Keeble, Steve McDowell, Tim Mitchell, David Morgan, Richard Overend, Norman Porter, John Rankin, James Ruddock-Broyd, Richard Sayer, Brian Smith, Clive Smith, Chris Sneath, Douglas Thomson, Humphrey Truman, David Turnbull, and Guests:  Martin & Helen Myers –Allen (both of them Honorary OFs).
Nigel Burnip
London Supper Secretary


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