Guests of the Society included the Headmaster of Framlingham College, Paul Taylor (Hon OF), David Wybar (Hon OF), accompanied by his wife Ann, representing the Chairman of the Corporation of Governors, Mrs Barbara Hamilton (Hon OF) accompanied by her husband Gordon, representing the Headmaster of Brandeston Hall, Emma Vidler, Head of School and Chris Hart, Head Boy. Susan Webber, Deputy Head, Nick Chaplin, Finance Director and Mel Dellow from the Development Office, attended from Framlingham College. Amongst other OFs attending were 3 Moreau Scholars and 9 other younger Old Framlinghamians under the age of 25.
The President proposed the toast to Framlingham College and Brandeston Hall and Paul Taylor responded, with a toast to the Society. Following the dinner, a stalwart group reminisced in the bar until after midnight.
Those present were: Ed Binder 00-09, Jenny Binder 00-11, Richard Binder 77-80 , Laura Bridgstock 02-07, Nigel Burnip 58-65, Patricia Burnip, Claire Bush 03-07, Ally Cameron 95-07, Nick Chaplin, Sam Cherry-Downes 93-07, Nick Coleridge 02-07, Bill Cooper 41-46, Laurel Cooper, Hugh Cull 77-82, Olly Cutting 95-07, Mel Dellow, Margaret Dougherty, Simon Dougherty 60-67, John Ellerby 66-75, Chris Essex 69-75, Eryl Essex, Ian Foster 45-53, Tessa Foster, Nick Fox 02-07, Tom Gaughan 05-07, Andrew Gooderham 53-58, John Gooderham 44-53, Barbara Hamilton, Gordon Hamilton, Amber Harrison 05-07, Chris Hart, David Hodge 44-50, Michael Holden 52-59, Pam Holden, John Horton 56-60, Ella Howlett, Chris Keeble 53-59, Andrew Lilley 57-65, Anne Mason, David Mason 55-59, David Mitchell 52-57, Sue Mitchell, Lewis Myers-Allen 07-12, Richard Overend 51-57, Norman Porter 51-57, Virginia Porter, Angela Rankin, John Rankin 47-56, Daniel Rose 01-05, Christine Ruddock Broyd, James Ruddock-Broyd 46-52, Georgina Sayer, Richard Sayer 56-61 (President of the Society), Brian Smith 53-57, Clive Smith 54-58, Valerie Smith, Michael Smy 57-66, Chris Sneath 51-56, Liz Sneath, Paul Taylor, Emma Vidler, Susan Webber, Ann Wybar and David Wybar.
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