
O.F. instrumental in apprehending 3 suicide bombers bent on wreaking carnage in UK cities.

Marcus Beale (M74-81) : We should acknowledge the recent stunning success of Marcus and his 450 officers in the West Midlands counter-terrorism unit in pre-empting a potentially catastrophic event in the twilight world of home-grown would-be suicide bombers.

Marcus joined the W. Midlands Police Force in June 2011 as Assistant Chief Constable with specific regional and national responsibility for counter-terrorism policy. He previously held the post of Chief Superintendent with Nottinghamshire Police and Assistant Chief Constable with the Staffordshire Force.

We are all indebted to the likes of Marcus for their indefatigable
pursuit of those who aspire to commit mass murder on the streets of the UK. More power to his elbow as he continues to operate in this sensitive and vital field.

On-line news link: here


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