
A Suffolk Town in Wartime – Framlingham 1939 to 1945

Local OF John Bridges (S57-66), will be launching his new book on Saturday 22 September at Framlingham library, which tells the amazing story of the town during the Second World War. There is much about the College, including headmaster William Whitworth and his attempt to assist with the Dunkirk evacuation, the move to Repton when invasion seemed imminent, and his ultimate departure after refusing to act as a civilian rather than a combatant.

Framlingham was a Nodal town and defended with pill boxes, tank traps, road mines, machine guns, and mortars to hold up enemy forces following invasion. All is revealed in John’s book, containing 152 pages and over 160 images, many in colour – click here for a wonderful aerial view. Signed copies of the book, which costs £20, will be available at the launch where there will also be military vehicles and wartime displays. For information and to order a copy, please contact: or telephone 01728 723557.


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