
Recent Leavers Use Zoom to Swap News and Plans

Liberty has spent the last four months in the stunning Ski resort of St Anton, in Austria, where she completed her ski season as a chef. She plans to start her university life at Nottingham Trent University this coming September.

Georgina has also copleted a ski season in the remarkable Meribel Ski resort, in the French Alps. Georgie will be starting her studies at Oxford Brookes University, reading Business.

Ella has been getting stuck into her first year at Cardiff University, where she’s studying neuroscience. She will return there in September to start her second year.

Millie has just spent a month in India, where she completed a yoga instructing course, leaving with a qualification that allows her to instruct yoga. She then spent a short time in New Zealand before returning home. Millie will start her studies at either Newcastle or Edinburgh.

Rose has been building on her hockey portfolio while studying at the world-renowned Stanford University in California, and will return there in September.

Jojo also completed a yoga course, and she intends to keep up her passion for yoga and build on the skills she learnt in India. This coming September, she’ll go on to either Edinburgh or Durham University to read Geography.

Pip has spent the last two months in an isolated part of Fiji, where she was supporting a small community, building medical centres and teaching young children- a life changing experience. She’s going on to Oxford Brookes University where she’ll study child psychology.

Joe tells us that the girls all plan to meet up as soon as the lockdown is released, and they’re already planning a trip away in the post-Corona world.

We’d love to hear from OFs of all stripes along similar lines – just email stories and pictures to


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