OF Society

Welcome to the OF Society pages, which we hope will provide you with everything you want to know about what we try to do, how we’re run, our Honorary Members, and how you can provide financial support to the Society and its associated Charity


Since 1 January 2015 the College has funded the operational costs of the Society, illustrating the close and cooperative relationship which exists between us. The agreement will terminate in December 2023 unless renewed by both parties.

We had previously asked for donations from members to help fund our operational costs and we are most grateful to over 400 who regularly gave in order for us to balance our books. Notwithstanding the College’s support for our operational costs we still encourage OFs to make donations to the Society to help fund one or more of the following:

  • Capital improvements at the College
  • Scholarships and bursaries to enable future and existing pupils to receive the benefit of education at the College
  • Benevolence for those OFs who have fallen on hard times, an area where our Trustees have been called on twice in the last couple of years

Donation Options

By Standing Order

Complete a standing order form yourself with the following details:

SOF Trustee Charitable Trust
HSBC, 12 Tavern Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 3AZ
Account Number
Sort Code

Donation with Gift Aid

If you would like to make a donation, together with any Gift Aid, then please print a Gift Aid Form (found on the right) and send it to the Hon Treasurer.

Donate regularly

If you wish to donate on a regular basis, then please print a Banker’s Order (found on the right) and send it to the Hon Treasurer.

Please do NOT send your standing orders direct to your own bank!