We’ll always try to provide helpful answers to our users’ questions about this website. Please use the Contact us link, at the top of the page, to send questions to us.

Members, Honorary Members and Provisional Members (current 6th formers) of the Society of Old Framlinghamians are eligible for registration on this website, giving them access to its private features, such as Connect@Fram.

If you qualify on those terms, or would like to check your eligibility, just click on one of the Register Now buttons, or click on the Login link at the top of the screen. The website will then guide you through a simple process, starting with a request for your email address.

Please contact the Admin team, by clicking on the Contact Us button on the right.

When you complete the form, please tell us your joining and leaving years (starting with the Prep School if you attended this), the name of your School House, and the name of your Housemaster or Housemistress.

We’ll then get back to you by email.

It’s always good to hear from volunteers, and we need help of all kinds, in particular with communications – helping to keep our site topical; and with the inner workings of our WordPress website management.

Please click on the Contact Us button, on the right, and let us know something about you, and your particular areas of interest.