Distinguished Old Framlinghamians
Framlingham is rooted in the county of Suffolk, but Framlinghamians have spanned the world from the age of Empire, through times of conflict and into the modern era, in pursuit of trade and adventure. There are those who have made their mark in business, sports, academics, as artists and writers, in agriculture, in the services, the media and in the world of entertainment. You can learn about them here, and you can nominate additions.
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Results 33 - 48 of 73
Mr Anthony Rosen (Stradbroke 1940-1948)
England’s Pleasant Land: Farming – Vision and Reality (1988), An Unordinary Life – Memoirs of Anthony Rosen (2007)
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Mr Reginald William Cooper RN FRIN (Garrett 1941-1946)
Sell Up and Sail (now in 5th edition) (How to do it), Watersteps through France (A voyage via the French Canals to... Read more
Sell Up and Sail (now in 5th edition) (How to do it), Watersteps through France (A voyage via the French Canals to the Camargue), A Spell in Wild France (Life and customs of the Camargue), Sail into the Sunset (advice for elderly sailors), Back Door to Byzantium (a voyage from the English Channel to Istanbul via the Danube and the Black Sea), Watersteps round Europe (a voyage by barge from Greece to Gt Yarmouth), Sell Up and Cruise the Inland Waterways
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Mr Laurence Godfrey Burr (Kerrison 1941-1945)
Book on British Bank Notes
Mr Douglas William Foster (Kerrison 1942-1944)
Managing for Growth, Management Quadrille, Planning for Products and Markets
Mr Percival Stuart Bryce Rossiter (Garrett 1936-1941)
The London Quiz Book, Blue Guides to Athens, Greece, England, Northern Italy, Paris, Crete, London, Malta, Wales, Yugoslavia, Stamp Atlas (1986)
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Mr John Michael Townend (Rendlesham 1937-1940)
Overture to Life – based on experiences in Canada and USA while training as Fleet Air Arm pliot at age of 18.

Mr Brian Wilson Aldiss OBE (1936-1939)
The Brightfount Diaries, Non-Stop, Hothouse (1962), The Saliva Tree (1966), Helliconia Spring (1982), The Hand-Reared Boy (1970), A Soldier Erect (1971), Bury... Read more
The Brightfount Diaries, Non-Stop, Hothouse (1962), The Saliva Tree (1966), Helliconia Spring (1982), The Hand-Reared Boy (1970), A Soldier Erect (1971), Bury My Heart at W. H. Smith’s: A Writing Life (1990), The Twinkling of an Eye or My Life as an Englishman (1998), When the Feast is Finished (1999), Home Life with Cats (1992), A Plutonian Monologue on His Wife’s Death (2000), Frankenstein Unbound, Supertoys Last All Summer Long, Super-State (2002), Jocasta (2005)
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Mr Anthony Matthew Cooper (Rendlesham 1935-1939)
Somehow They Knew: A True Love-Story, We Who Knew
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Mr Ivor Noel-Hume OBE (1937-1939)
Archaeology in Britain (1952), Treasure in the Thames (1956), Tortoises, Terrapins & Turtles (1958), Great moments in Archaeology (1958), Excavations at Rosewell... Read more
Archaeology in Britain (1952), Treasure in the Thames (1956), Tortoises, Terrapins & Turtles (1958), Great moments in Archaeology (1958), Excavations at Rosewell in Gloucester County, Virginia, 1957- 1959 (1962), Here Lies Virginia: An Archaeologist’s View of colonial Life and History (1963), Excavations at Tutter’s Neck in James City County, Virginia (1966), 1775; another part of the field (1966), Historical Archaeology: A Comprehensive Guide for Both Amateurs and Professionals to the Techniques and Methods of Excavating Historical Sites (1968), The Wells of Williamsburg: Colonial Time Capsules (1969), A Guide To Artifacts Of Colonial America (1969), All the best rubbish (1974 – to be reissued in 2009), American history: First look at a lost Virginia settlement (1979), The Virginia Adventure: Roanoke to James Towne : An Archaeological and Historical Odyssey (1994), Shipwreck! (1995), If These Pots Could Talk: Collecting 2,000 Years of British Household Pottery (2001), Civilized Men A James Towne Tragedy (2005), Something From the Cellar: More of This & That (2006), The Bicyclist, (written 2007, awaiting publication), Play – Smith! Being the life and death of Cap’n John (2007), Play – Dapper Dicky or Pepys in Person (2008), Wreck and Redemption (March 2009), A Passion for the Past (Autobiography – published in 2010), Belzoni: The Giant Archaeologists Love to Loathe (published in 2011), Gin Legacy of the Doomed (published in December 2013), Various articles in Colonial Williamsburg archaeological series
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Mr Arthur Rowland Staniforth (Stradbroke 1931-1939)
Straw and Straw Craftsmen (Shire Albums) (March 1999), Imperial Echoes: the Sudan People, History & Agriculture (March 2000), Farmers – From Producers... Read more
Straw and Straw Craftsmen (Shire Albums) (March 1999), Imperial Echoes: the Sudan People, History & Agriculture (March 2000), Farmers – From Producers to Park Keepers (July 2006)
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Canon William Harry Loveless (Rendlesham 1933-1938)
Destiny Delayed

Mr Ian Denys Peek (Rendlesham 1935-1938)
One Fourteenth of an Elephant – A memoir of life and death on the Burma-Thailand Railway. In February 1942, Singapore fell to... Read more
One Fourteenth of an Elephant – A memoir of life and death on the Burma-Thailand Railway.
In February 1942, Singapore fell to the Japanese. Denys Peek and his brother were just two of tens of thousands of British and Commonwealth soldiers and citizens taken prisoner.
Eight months later, he and his comrades were packed into steel goods wagons and transported by rail to Siam. They were to become part of the slave labour force destined for the massive construction project that would later become infamous as the Burma Thailand Railway. He would spend the next three years in over fifteen different work and ‘hospital’ camps on the railway, stubbornly refusing to give in and die in a place where over 20,000 prisoners of war and uncounted slave labourers met their deaths.
Narrated in the present tense and written with clarity, passion and a remarkable eye for detail, Denys Peek has vividly recreated not just the hardships and horrors of the railway and the daily struggle for survival but also the comradeship, spirit and humour of the men who worked on it. It stands as a haunting, evocative and deeply moving testimony to the suffering of those who lived and died there – a salutary reminder of man’s potential for inhumanity to his fellow man.
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Mr Norman Francis Borrett MA (Stradbroke 1931-1936)
Hockey for Men and Women, Improving your Hockey
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Mr Douglas Brown (1927-1931)
Religion in Britain since the Second World War
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Mr Benjamin William Fickling CBE FRCS FDS (Garrett 1924-1927)
Injuries of Jaws and Face
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