Distinguished Old Framlinghamians

Framlingham is rooted in the county of Suffolk, but Framlinghamians have spanned the world from the age of Empire, through times of conflict and into the modern era, in pursuit of trade and adventure. There are those who have made their mark in business, sports, academics, as artists and writers, in agriculture, in the services, the media and in the world of entertainment. You can learn about them here, and you can nominate additions.


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Dr William Gilmore Ellis (1875-1877)

The Amok of the Malays, Latah; a Mental Malady of the Malays, A contribution to the Pathology of Beri Beri

Rev William John Limmer Sheppard (1875-1877)

The Lord’s Coming and the World’s End, The Parochial Mission, The Words of the Crucified, Great Hymns and their Stories, The Revelation

Mr William Martin Baker (1869-1875)

Elementary Dynamics, Algebraic Geometry, The Calculus for Beginners, The Public School Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, Elementary Mensuration,  Elementary Graphs, Elementary Geometry, A School... Read more

Elementary Dynamics, Algebraic Geometry, The Calculus for Beginners, The Public School Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, Elementary Mensuration,  Elementary Graphs, Elementary Geometry, A School Geometry

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Sir William Hale-White KBE (1870-1874)

A Textbook of General Therapeutics, The Means by which the Temperature of the Body is Maintained in Health and Disease, Materia Medica,... Read more

A Textbook of General Therapeutics, The Means by which the Temperature of the Body is Maintained in Health and Disease, Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, A Textbook of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Common Affections of the Liver, Laennec, Bacon, Gilbert and Harvey, Great Doctors of the Nineteenth Century, Keats as Doctor and Patient

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Mr John Foreman (1867-1867)

History of the Philippine Islands

Mr Charles Joseph Palmer (1865-1867)

One hundred books to read and enjoy, Pamphlet on Bimetallism and wild flowers of the Ipswich District

Mr Leslie Gillett

The Apprentice (1978), Framlingham College: The Second Sixty Years (1992), Remembered Days: The S.O.F. Centenary Book (2000)

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Nominate a Framlinghamian

We have no hard and fast rules about who should be recognised as a “Distinguished Old Framlinghamian”, and are always interested to hear about people who are exceptional in all sorts of ways – so please feel free to click on the link below, and complete a nomination form.