Distinguished Old Framlinghamians
Framlingham is rooted in the county of Suffolk, but Framlinghamians have spanned the world from the age of Empire, through times of conflict and into the modern era, in pursuit of trade and adventure. There are those who have made their mark in business, sports, academics, as artists and writers, in agriculture, in the services, the media and in the world of entertainment. You can learn about them here, and you can nominate additions.
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Service to SOF/College
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Results 1 - 16 of 29

Mr David Edward Mason (Stradbroke 1955-1959)
He was involved with the SOF and College for nearly 60 years and was a trustee for half that time and Chair... Read more
He was involved with the SOF and College for nearly 60 years and was a trustee for half that time and Chair for nearly 30 years. He was also President for 2 years (2009-11). As well as his involvement with the SOF/College he was also a member of Carshalton Beeches Rotary Club for over 30 years and also supported the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Sutton Community Transport, the day centre in Carshalton Beeches and many others, often providing advice and looking after their accounts. He was a mentor with the Prince’s Trust and in the 2016 New Year’s Honours List he fittingly received a British Empire Medal for services to charity and the local community.
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Mr John Walden Edwards (Kerrison 1944-1955)
He was a towering figure both within the Society, and also in his service to the Governing Board of the College and... Read more
He was a towering figure both within the Society, and also in his service to the Governing Board of the College and had a special affection for Brandeston Hall, having been one of the original pupils starting there when it opened in 1948. He was SOF President in 1977 and 1978 and a long-term member of the Board of Governors, including chairman of what was then styled the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
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Mr Robert James Blythe (Kerrison 1948-1954)
Followed his father to the College and was the first boy to arrive at Brandeston in 1948. On leaving joined he Merchant... Read more
Followed his father to the College and was the first boy to arrive at Brandeston in 1948. On leaving joined he Merchant Navy and was on the last convey to sail through the Sue Canal before the conflict. He joined his wife’s family nursery business in 1965 and went on to exhibit successfully at County and RHS shows across the country, including Chelsea. He is a Past President and for many years a Trustee of the SOF. He was also a Governor for 17 years.
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Mr Ventura Neville Bromage (Garrett 1947-1954)
After being captain of Rugby, Hockey and Swimming while at the College, he went into the license trade and ran an old... Read more
After being captain of Rugby, Hockey and Swimming while at the College, he went into the license trade and ran an old people home. He was a member of the MMC, played rugby for Harlequins and was Secretary and Commodore of the Aldeburgh Yacht Club. For many years he was on the SOF Council and became Secretary in 1976 on the death of this father; a post he held fro 25 years until his own death in 2001. He died in June 2001 at the age of 64.
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Mr Kenneth Kester Knight (Kerrison 1932-1938)
He was a Governor of the College (73-92), Past President (1968), Trustee of the Society (68-91), Council Member since 1951 and Finance... Read more
He was a Governor of the College (73-92), Past President (1968), Trustee of the Society (68-91), Council Member since 1951 and Finance Committee (55-91). He died on 20 January 2007 and a link will be provided to his obituary when written. In the meantime a link is provided to Jim Blythe’s (K48-54) address at the Memorial Service in the College Chapel.
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Commander John Russell Simpson (Kerrison 1932-1936)
Had a distinguished naval career and was then a Governor of the College for many years and SOF President in 1975/76. He... Read more
Had a distinguished naval career and was then a Governor of the College for many years and SOF President in 1975/76. He died on 4 April 2020, just four days after his 101st birthday. He did a lot of research on the origin of Speech Day prizes which you can read here.
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Mr Benjamin Hunt Thompson (Garrett 1927-1931)
He was SOF president in 1971/2, Governor from 1971 to 1988 and a long term organiser of the Suffolk Supper at the... Read more
He was SOF president in 1971/2, Governor from 1971 to 1988 and a long term organiser of the Suffolk Supper at the College.
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Mr Leonard Mark Liell (1919-1927)
Born in 1909 he qualified as a solicitor. He was for very many years a Trustee and in 1951 President of the... Read more
Born in 1909 he qualified as a solicitor. He was for very many years a Trustee and in 1951 President of the Society, as well as a founder member of the Essex branch in 1929. He was also a member of the Corporation and Governor of the College. In 1987 he made a gift to allow a replanting programme of trees to take place.
Read lessMr Horace James Smith (Garrett 1924-1927)
He became a solicitor after leaving the College and soon became active in the Society being a founder member of the Essex... Read more
He became a solicitor after leaving the College and soon became active in the Society being a founder member of the Essex branch in 1929. During WW2 became a Squadron Leader in RAF Fighter Command and was mentioned in dispatches in 1942. He was President of the Society in 1961/2 and was appointed a Governor in 1962. He was Vice Chairman of the Governing Body from 1973 until 1987 and finally retired as a Governor in 1987 after 25 years. Perhaps one of his most long lasting contributions was as Chairman of the Committee set up to consider the taking of girls at the College and Brandeston.
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Mr Ventura George Bromage (Garrett 1924-1926)
He was elected to the SOF Council in 1942, became Secretary in 1945 (till his death in 1976), President in 1957/8, he... Read more
He was elected to the SOF Council in 1942, became Secretary in 1945 (till his death in 1976), President in 1957/8, he joined the Corporation in 1962 and the Governing Body in 1967 and was chairman of the Executive Committee of Governors from 1974 until his death on 20 August 1976.
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Mr Thomas George Saul (Rendlesham 1919-1924)
He was President of the Society in 1968/9 and editor of the Overseas Bag for many years. His other great joys were... Read more
He was President of the Society in 1968/9 and editor of the Overseas Bag for many years. His other great joys were Bishop Stortford Hockey and Cricket Clubs.
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Mr Cecil Isherwood Stapleton (1913-1915)
On his death he left significant shares in HSBC to fund 6th form bursaries at the College, with the intention that recipients... Read more
On his death he left significant shares in HSBC to fund 6th form bursaries at the College, with the intention that recipients would hopefully follow in his footsteps and attend Exeter College, Oxford. The bursaries total approximately £30-40,000 pa.
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Mr John Booth (1898-1903)
Born in 1886, he was responsible for writing the history of the first 60 years of the College, which was published in... Read more
Born in 1886, he was responsible for writing the history of the first 60 years of the College, which was published in April 1925. Prior to that he had written a number of other books on the Old Vic and Shakespeare. He also wrote the booklet for the original Brandeston Hall Appeal and was a Vice President of the Society. He died in 1965.
Read lessMr James Mason Martin (1888-1894)
Born in 1876 and qualified as a solicitor. He was a member of the Corporation and a Governor. He was one of... Read more
Born in 1876 and qualified as a solicitor. He was a member of the Corporation and a Governor. He was one of the College’s most generous benefactors. Many parts of the College buildings bear witness to his generosity, including the Chapel doors (an obscure corner bears the initials JMM) and the Clark Martin Reading Room, now the Board Room. He died in 1960 and in his will provided for 6 English Prizes at the College and Brandeston.
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Mr Alfred Pretty (1870-1877)
Born in 1859; founder and 1st secretary of the SOF. He was a master at Framlingham in the 19th century – a... Read more
Born in 1859; founder and 1st secretary of the SOF. He was a master at Framlingham in the 19th century – a demanding teacher who loved precepts e.g. “Whatsoever they find hardest to do, do it with all thy might” or Goethe’s “Ein unnutz Leben ist ein fruher Tod”. Fine teacher and sports coach. Played golf wearing red jacket and knickerbockers. Few people have worked more devotedly for the good of the College. Died in 1950.
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Mr Edwin Perkins Ridley (1873-1877)
Born in 1858 and qualified as a solicitor. He went on to be Mayor of Ipswich in 1898-9. He was president of... Read more
Born in 1858 and qualified as a solicitor. He went on to be Mayor of Ipswich in 1898-9. He was president of the Society in 1903 and was the 1st OF to become a member of the Corporation and a Governor. He died in 1939.
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