
150th Anniversary Hamburg Event

The final SOF Overseas event to celebrate 150th anniversary was held in Hamburg over 10th and 11th July 2015. The events were enthusiastically organised by Kim Dickel (M97-98) and Jens Kippenberger (G91-92) and included a dinner organised at Jen’s sailing club, an Alster boat trip, a meal and a few beers at the oldest brewery and finally a pub tour for those still up to it!.

This overseas event was notable for the number of OFs attending (37), their youth (apart from 2 which were the SOF President and Hon Sec all were aged 16-40) and the presence of the current Head, Paul Taylor and his wife Amanda.

Click here to read a more detailed report, see some of many photos available on Dropbox to view and see a list of all attendees. You can also look at Dropbox directly via this LINK .


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