
Annual Dinner a Sell-out Success

OFs ranging from recent leavers to their 80s were joined by the Chairman of Governors, the Head and other senior staff and other distinguished guests.

Plans are afoot for the 2007 dinner. As some late applicants were unable to secure a place for this year’s dinner, it will be essential to book early to avoid disappointment.

Andrew Allen
Joanne Allen
Julie Atkins
Chris Bagnall
Andrew Baker
Rosie Barker
Annabel Beales
Jim Blythe
David Boatman
Louise Boatman
Kath Brierley
Nigel Burnip
Pat Burnip
Jean Bush
John Capps
Maureen Capps
Mike Coker
Ben Irving
Bill Collard
Sue Collard
Julian Davies
Clare Doughtery
Philip Dougherty
John Edwards
Andrew Fane
Clare Fane
John Ford
William Gallagher
Sarah Gallagher
Mike Geddes
Jennefer Geddes
Peter Golding
Sophie Golding
John Gooderham
Mrs Gooderham
Tricia Harrison
Ian Harrison
Suzie Harrison
Dudley Holland
Michael Holden
Pam Holden
Peter Howard-Dobson
Alaistair Howard-Dobson
Adam Howard-Dobson
Ben Hunt
Nigel Hyde
Mrs Hyde
James Jackson
Chris Keeble
John Kelsall
Diane Kelsall
John Kerr
Jill Kerr
Roger Last
Rosemary Lawrence
Tony Lawrence
Peter Liell
Barry Lorkin
Wendy Lorkin
James Loveridge
Ben Mark
David Mason
Anne Mason
David Mitchell
Sue Mitchell
Andrew Moore
Jane Moore
Rosemary Moore-Moffatt
John Morfoot
Stuart Munro
Nathan Muskett
Clive Norton
Jan Norton
Tim Mitchell
Richard Overend
Marion Overend
Robin Podd
Norman Porter
Virginia Porter
Louise Pressley
Gwen Randall
David Randall
John Rankin
Angela Rankin
Eleni Read
Catherine Reeve
Edwina Reid
John Rose
James Ruddock-Broyd
Christine Ruddock Broyd
John Saul
Jean Saul
Richard Sayer
Georgina Sayer
Brian Smith
Mrs Smith
Michael Smy
Chris Sneath
Liz Sneath
Michael Spencer
Sheila Spencer
Katie Stephen
James Stephen
Andrew Thornton
Rebecca Thornton
David Turnbull
Jill Turnbull
John Waugh
Michael Wheatley
Natalie Wheatley
David Wilcox
Hannah Woodgate
Amy Woodgate
Robert Woodward
Katie Wright
Richard Wright
Andrew Wright
Margaret Wright
Michael Wright
Sue Wright


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