
Augustus Agar VC Centenary

On the Centenary of him being awarded his VC, Monday 17 June, the Headmaster and Chaplain will dedicate the College’s usual 20 minute 0830 morning chapel service to a commemoration of Agar, a narrative of his life, a tribute, a hymn and the laying of a wreath by a banner party.

Jonathan Agar will be present and will talk briefly about his ancestor. It will good if some Old Framlinghamians, Governors and College friends are able to make it.  It will be small and intimate, and suitably low key. It has to be over in 20 minutes but will be memorable.

It would help logistics if you would kindly indicate to Richard Sayer OF if you intend to be present.

You can read his full distinguished entry here and listen to the great man personally describing his exploits that led to his VC


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