
Hockey Matches against the College – 5th January 2008

Ben Hayes (R 96-06) has arranged a fixture for the OFs against the College – to be played on 5th January 2008. He’s published plans for this on an Old Framlinghamian Facebook page as follows:

“This is the only scheduled O.F match – and chance to catch up with old friends – for a while.
Please join if you are interested and invite others.
Hopefully most of us still at university will be back home on this date.
And others – it is on a Saturday so hopefully you will be available.
There is also a possibility of two teams depending on numbers against the 1sts and 2nds. And a Ladies match. – So please, even if you haven’t picked up a stick for years but are interested, let me know!”

Ben has already had 200 expressions of interest, so it looks like there should be a good crowd. Click here to Email Ben Hayes.

Sinead Collins (M 99-07) is organising the Ladies’ match. Click here to Email Sinead Collins.

Latest News: Ben reports as follows – “I’m getting confirmations in from those who are playing and seem to have a good mix of generations in the team. Sinead has about 10 girls together at the moment, however I have not been able to get a confirmation from Jon Slay that a Fram girls’ team is able to play.

I have asked the players to meet at 12:30, and the rest of the supporters and O.Fs to meet at 1:00 for a 1:30 pushback.

I will be messaging all the members on the facebook group, keeping them updated hopefully we’ll get some good numbers!”


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