While doing so, he emphasised his view that the Society is part of a Family Continuum that includes: the College, its students, teachers and support team; the parents of current and prospective students; and, of course, past students who are or may become, Members of the Society itself.
With that in mind, Norman’s three prongs are:
Better communications across the whole constituency through the new-format Magazine and through the continued development of the OF Website.
New Events and Celebrations:
Attractive occasions and events that will bring people together, perhaps for the first time since leaving. These might include Year-group events; a focus on special groups (for instance, celebrating 25 years since the graduation of the first girls from the College); or even combined College/OF events – such as a joint Drama production.
Co-ordination of Sporting Events:
In particular, between the OFs and the College. But also the recruitment of keen sportsmen and women among leavers to help maintain sporting links and events down the years.
There’ll be more about these strands in the Yearbook (Magazine) so make sure you’re on the mailing list.
As always, feedback would be very very welcome.
The following attended the supper:
Bill Barringer G 61-66
Simon Bloomfield K 68-75
David Carr S 67-74
Michael Evans S 44-48
Roger Fayers G 56- 61
David Gower R 53-58
Keith Handley K 47-53
Michael Holden G 52-54
Peter Howard-Dobson R 65-69
Nick Jacob S 67-75
Roger Last S 35-42
Barry Lorkin (Past President) S 54-57
Ian Marsh S 48-52
David Mason S 54-58
Tim Mitchell R 72-77
Richard Overend (Past President) S 51-57
Robin Podd R 43-55
Norman Porter (President) K 54-59
John Rankin K 47-56
James Ruddock G 46-52
Richard Sayer (Past President) S 56-61
Stephen Sayer S 58-63
Brian Smith S 53-57
John Waugh K 41-48
John Wood S 56-61
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