
OF Hockey v College – Dateline 5th Jan 2008

Sinead writes:
It was a great day to have a hockey match, as we had surprisingly lovely weather. The girls were all set-up as soon as the boys had finished. The whistle went and both teams were off, although maybe a bit sluggish from our big meals over the Christmas holidays.

The 1st Girls seemed to have a slight edge on the OFs, with great play from Lizzie Clymer and Laura Wright. In a tightly fought first half, the 1st Girls managed to slot a goal in about 5 minutes from its end (scored by Becky Saunders).

At the start of the second half there seemed to be a new fire within the OF Girls’ team and, within 10 minutes and with some persistant play by Alex Reid and Leanne Newton, Alex won a goal to level the score at 1-1. The College girls clearly did not want this to be the end score so they were back on the heals of the OFs and, about 5 minutes later, Becky Saunders had yet again slapped in goal, weaving through a scattered defence as our midfielders were tiring.

The OFs weren’t quite done yet, and we won a short-corner just before full-time. Alex Reid made a cracking hit, and Sinead Collins deflected the ball past the goalie.

The final score of 2-2, was a brilliant result for both teams, and was a true reflection of the quality of the match. I should just mention that both sides had male goalies, because of lack of availability, so thank you all for volunteering and having a lovely day.

I would also like to say thanks to the umpires: Mr Slay, Mark Stacpoole (for stepping in) and also Mrs Tibbenham (when Mark needed to leave).

The Old Framlinghamian Girls:
Sinead Collins (C), Dan Kiernan (GK), Amber Harrison, Lindsey Wright, Alex Reid, Leanne Newton, Mercedes Buckle, Emma Tuckwell, Sasha Martin, Philippa Knight, Annabel Warner, Lucy Felton, Nikki Edwards, Katie Jackson.

The 1st Framlingham Girls:
Laura Wright (C), Tom Baldwin (GK), Beth Rutterford, Caroline Reid, Vicky Wayne, Fiona Hamer-Philip, Lizzie Clymer, Laura Tibbenham, Tori Aldred, Annie Scott, Sarah Finlay.

Ben Hayes writes:
“The Society of Old Framlinghians has had a consistent record in gathering together a team for the annual Hockey match against the college 1st team. This year was no exception and, along with the addition of a Ladies team, the Level of support and interest is growing for the event. It was exciting to see such a range of generations playing for and supporting the O.Fs; it seems communicating and advertising the event on social networks such as ‘Facebook’ was of great help!

On to the match. Because of the cold, and perhaps the result of the long festive season, the Old Boys made a sluggish start compared to the younger, fitter, Framlingham team. Deservedly, the first half finished 2-1 to the College side.

However, in the second half, the tables were turned and, considering the Old Boys had never played together, they generated some impressive composure and were able to exploit the width of the pitch, managing to come up from 2-1 to finish the game with a 4-2 OF victory against a potentially very successful college team.

Mention should go to Dan Kiernan for filling-in as goalie at the last minute, and of the belated appearance of Will Hayes for his unexpected but important hat trick to seal the game. A further mention must go players such as Mark Stacpoole, Charlie Plumbly, James Burch, Jasper Meyhew and Mr Cutting, who have consistently turned up and given support to the annual event.

Many thanks to Jon Slay and all those who came. Please keep supporting this even and, for those who are tempted, perhaps you could salvage your old stick and play next year!


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