
Overseas Bag 2021 – full version now available

Chris Essex (K69-75) writes: The 2021 Framlinghamian will be published online later today.  As usual it will contain a heavily edited version of all the news and photos I have received over the last year from OFs around the world.  For your Christmas reading I have now published the full version of the Overseas Bag for 2021 in the People section of the website. This full edition runs to 29 pages distilled from over 250 emails received/sent over the last year.  It will be emailed to all overseas OFs in the next few days.  As you will see, this edition starts off with an appeal from me for someone to come forward to take over the Overseas Bag.  Its really enjoyable keeping in touch.

The photo featured in this news article shows John Gates (S44-48) with his wife Ruth, celebrating his 89th birthday and her 90th.

Who knows what 2022 will bring now we have the Omicron variant spreading rapidly but I earnestly hope we will see an increased number of reunions being organised around the world.  As always I will help with mailing lists and publicity but can’t promise to be able to attend them all! If you are interested in helping/attending then please get in touch with me via email


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