
Update on S.B. Cambria

The main Address was given by Admiral the Lord Boyce KG, GCB, OBE, DL, Lord Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle followed by several presentations to shipwrights and volunteers. The gathering greatly appreciated Lord Boyce preferring the Cambria event to the State Opening of Parliament by the Queen but were most disappointed to hear of the last minute cancellation by the Trust Patron, the actor, David Suchet, due to an extra matinee put on by the producer of his recent play to cope with heavy demand.

The event was chaired by the Trust Chairman, Rear Admiral Bruce Richardson RN (Ret’d), CB, FNI. The weather generally held until the closing hymn “Eternal Father strong to save” when a sea mist blew up the Creek from the River Thames.

Also present was James Ruddock-Broyd (G46-52) who discovered when talking to Lord Boyce as Chairman of RNLI that Andrew Fremantle (S58-62), past CEO of RNLI, was still involved with the Institution as chairman of a sub-committee.


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