
Visit to Garretts of Leiston

James Ruddock-Broyd (G46-52) visited Garretts of Leiston with Tony Martin and sent in the following report and photo :
Prior to the Brandeston Dinner on 27th March Tony Martin took me to the first open day of the season to Garretts of Leiston.  At the suggestion of Bill Collard I am doing a Paper on the family and their business and so more detail will follow later.
However, I thought you would like this one photo of Tony Martin standing beside the Sirapite engine which was build in 1906 and has been restored over the last 4 years and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The lioness plate on the front of the engine boiler is exactly the same as one made by Tony Martin himself.  The engineering business closed in the 1970s but the Long Shop now houses a museum which was opened by Sir Joshua Rowley in 1984 and on it’s 25th anniversary over 13,500 visitors passed through it’s doors.


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