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John James Maulden (G45-50)
When2 July 2017
John James Maulden (G45-50) died on 2 July 2017. He had been in poor health for some time. In accordance with John’s wishes, his funeral will be a cremation at 7 Hills Crematorium, Ipswich, at 10.30 am on Monday 31st July. This will be principally for Family, but close friends and colleagues will be welcome, particularly any who cannot attend the Service of Thanksgiving (Thursday 31st August, 2.30 pm in the College Chapel). The funeral directors are Moore Brothers, of Framlingham (01728 723448). No flowers please, but if people would like to make a donation in John’s memory, his preferred charities were East Anglian Air Ambulance and Cancer Research UK.
John Frederic Capps (R46-53)
When14 June 2017
WhereAll Hallows Nursing Home
John Frederic Capps (R46-53) died on 14 June 2017 at All Hallows Nursing Home aged 79. He was an organiser of the Norfolk Supper. His funeral was on Friday 7 July 2017 at 2 pm at St Ethelbert’s Church, Thurton, Norwich. Colin Wigg represented the Society at his funeral and gave the following report “The thatched roof Norman Church, situated high above the village was filled with over one hundred mourners including John’s wife Maureen, their four children and grandchildren Anna and Cathy who offered poems and readings of The Windmill by Jonas Goncalves and The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The eulogy was delivered by Ian, John’s son who made several references to his memorable time at Framingham College where he developed his love of hockey under the guidance of Norman Borrett. He was the regular first-team goalkeeper for Norwich Grasshoppers for many years and a highly respected hockey umpire once his playing days were over. The congregation was reminded by Ian that his father was a Past President of the Institute of British Foundrymen, Chairman of the Friends of Norfolk Windmills together with numerous committee positions he held supporting historical local and national interests. John together with his wife Maureen organised the OF Norfolk Suppers at Bawburgh Golf Club until poor health sadly intervened a few years ago. John’s elder brother Peter, also educated at the College predeceased him a few years earlier. Several fellow OFs, well known to John were unfortunately unable to attend, however, Colin Wigg and John Ling were present. Mourners then gathered at the nearby George and Dragon for ample refreshments and poignant reflections.”
Patrick Allen Johnson (G50-55)
When3 April 2017
Patrick Allen Johnson (G50-55) died on 3 April 2017 and his funeral is on 26 April 2017. He is survived by his wife.
When16th January 2017
ParentsKatie (nee Blow) (V05-07) and Edward Jeffrey
To Katie (nee Blow) (V05-07) and Edward Jeffrey, a son, Walter Edward Theodore, born 16th January 2017 and weighing in at 7lb 3oz.
Michael John Waldren (K61-64)
When27 December 2016
Michael John Waldren (K61-64) died on 27 December 2016. He had been in poor health for some time. He is survived by his wife, Sue.
Rodney Michael Crabtree (K49-56)
Rodney Michael Crabtree (K49-56) is believed to have died in 2016.
While researching contemporaries of David Larter, for the special Larter End ceremony, we heard that he had died. Rodney was a fine cricketer, following in the family tradition, his father having been closely associated with Essex County Cricket Club. In the early fifties he had been captain of the Fathers’ cricket team v Brandeston 1st XI. Source was David Carr.
When8th December 2016
ParentsAnne-Kathrin and Jens Kippenberger (G90-91)
To Anne-Kathrin and Jens Kippenberger (G90-91), a daughter Henny Elisabeth Helga, born 8th December 2016.
John Nelson Raynham (R45-50)
When5 December 2016
John Nelson Raynham (R45-50) died on 5 December 2016. We were notified of his death by his widow in May 2017. He was a retired garage proprietor and had a brother also at the College Peter Raynham (R53-57).