
Death of former teacher

Death of former teacher

It is with sadness that we record the death of Christopher Hew CARRUTHERS.  He joined the teaching staff at the College in September 1966 and as well as teaching Latin was an excellent all round sportsman and particularly enjoyed cricket.  He left in September 1973 to join Fettes College in Edinburgh.  He died peacefully at his home, Holmains, Dalton, Lockerbie, on 14th October 2024, aged 84 years.  A Private Cremation has taken place in accordance with his wishes.I believe he had a family connection to Fettes and the Carruthers family owned the lands of Holmains from at least the 14th century.

David Carr (S67-74) writes “I haven’t seen Chris for 40+ years although I used to swap news each Christmas with him, until about five years ago when he became ill. I can recall some background information on Chris.  He went to Fram in the late 1960s, and was housemaster of Rendlesham in 1970, taking over from Peter Clarke. He taught Latin,1st XV rugby, colts U16 cricket and hockey.  He left in 1974 to become a housemaster at Fettes, subsequently giving up teaching to take over as bursar/finance manager.  He became very involved with Scottish cricket.  Whilst at Fram, he played cricket occasionally for Deben Valley CC, and was a keen tourist with the Sou’westers CC (a team of mostly schoolmasters) who played as many as 20 fixtures each summer holiday in the South West, before giving playing up to become their President/scorer.  Chris told me an amusing story of an incident in the summer holidays at Fram, when he managed (after a few drinks) to overturn his car on a roundabout at Ipswich. Fearing the worst, when the police arrived (the officer attending was an OF) he was very relieved when PC Rose, who recognised him, did not breathalyse him. “

Cricket Scotland posted the following obituary and photo “Cricket Scotland is saddened to learn of the recent passing of former President Chris Carruthers, at the age of 84. Chris Carruthers was a well-known and respected face within Scottish cricket and served as President of Cricket Scotland in 2002-2003. Prior to this, he was Scottish Cricket Union Chair between 1991 and 1996. Chris, who spent much of his career as a classics teacher at Fettes College, held a long association with Grange CC and was President of the club from 1978 to 1982, and served as club captain in 1983. Everyone at Cricket Scotland sends their condolences and best wishes to Mr Carruthers’ family, friends, and all those connected with Grange Cricket Club.”


A private cremation has taken place in accordance with his wishes.


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Howard Thistlewood

Wednesday 01 January 2025

Chris Carruthers was a respected teacher and mentor at a time when Fram needed these. I was fortunate to have him as a formidable rugby coach, and his warm-up routine and enthusiasm for sticking to practice in lousy weather, etc., have stayed with me to this day. I also knew him through the Prefects Club for 2+ years, and helped run it. He generously supported us in time, stood at the bar and enquired as to our activities, when few other Masters entered. Our peer group knew him as "Crunch" Carruthers for one of his favourite sayings in coaching and dealing with adversary teams or difficult situations was " .. when it comes to the crunch, boys ..". As Ian said below, he came across as having a tough exterior but had a warm heart. Thanks Chris, RIP.

Ian Connell

Wednesday 25 December 2024

CJ Carruthers was my Housemaster at Rendlesham. He came across as quite a hard taskmaster but behind that facade, he was a very kind and conscientious master. His Mother was famous in the showjumping community, known for her course design at many equestrian events. I recall he was a strong supporter of the new “Prefects Club” and would often visit and buy us a beer! I also recall driving a car between Saxted and Framlingham loaded with another 6 of my college mates on the way back from an illegal trip to a local pub. Who should pass us coming the other way but CJ Carruthers! All my fellows in crime ducked out of sight, leaving me in full view of an astonished CJ. Convinced my time at Framlingham was now over I waited for a call to Mr Rimmers study. But instead CJ wandered into the Prefects Club a couple of evening later, sat beside me at the bar and suggested I buy him a few beers! He went on to mention that I must have an identical twin as he saw him the other day driving a car just outside Framlingham. Thanks CJ. Some good memories, excluding a couple of thrashings when younger for other misdemeanours!

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