Annie Fulcher

2015 - 2018

Annie, and her sister Natalie, are the latest of a four-generation line of Fulchers to come to Framlingham. Born and raised in Newmarket, Annie joined in year 9 in Victoria House, and was clearly determined to embrace every aspect of school life from the start.

While she was obviously very capable in her academic subjects, when asked about her Fram career, she always leads with her wide range of activities – especially sports and music – in which she’s taken an enthusiastic part. She played for all the various sports teams until she broke her ankle while in year 10, but was still able to make a come-back, captaining the 2nds netball team, as well as making it to Dubai on a tennis tour. Of her music she says, “I’ve always loved performing in singing concerts and will definitely miss the thrill of the stage – particularly in the House singing competitions, which I will never forget”.

Away from school, Annie has worked for a local catering company, leading a team of catering staff, which must have tested her leadership skills to the limit; and also worked for a regional magazine, writing articles which found their way into print and got good reviews, which would have made a change from just getting marked by her tutors at school!

Victoria House has, she says, given her friends for life on whom she’ll always be able to rely. As head of entertainment for the house, she had huge fun planning several ‘House nights’ which were not only great fun for all concerned, but brought everyone in the House together, right across the years. She thrives on organising get-togethers and hosting social occasions, and is very much looking forward to working with Ele Williamson on events to bring their leaving-group together, both in the short term and for the years to come – they hope to bring off some interesting plans at Newmarket Races later this summer.

With her A-levels in Maths, Geography and Economics behind her, Annie plans to take a gap-year, and hopes to travel to New York, where she’ll work in an art gallery and see what other opportunities she can muster. Then, if there’s time and the money hasn’t run out, she’ll head for Thailand to work as a volunteer on an elephant camp – Oh, and then on to Sydney, where an internship might be possible, not to mention bumping into a few Fram friends while she’s there.

She clearly sees all this as creating a springboard for the continuation of her education, and her later career – she plans to apply for a joint honours course, which will allow her to pick and choose between physiology, economics and perhaps media (and you can’t get much broader than that) at Nottingham university. She’s not sure, yet, exactly what sort of career path she’ll take through life – perhaps more than one. Her clear ambition, though, is to work in as wide a range of countries and cultures as possible.