Ele Williamson

2015 - 2018

I’m from a farming family and grew up in Suffolk with an older brother, who also attended Framlingham. I joined the College in year 12 as a day girl in Moreau. I loved my two years at Fram and tried to become involved in as many aspects of College life as possible. Away from my studies I was captain of the first netball team, a member of the orchestra and string orchestra playing the violin. Concerts and performances were always great to be a part of and to watch, and I think my favourite has to have been the ‘Musicals’ themed Cabaret. I was lucky enough to become a College prefect as Head of Academic, a role which I really enjoyed, especially organising the annual Academic Dinner. The house events were always a highlight for me; in particular, swimming and netball, but also the singing and dancing competitions. It was great fun getting involved with everyone in things I wouldn’t normally do, and even better when Moreau won!

The endless opportunities at Fram allowed me to enjoy two great trips: The Hague Model United Nations trip, in year 12; and the multi-sports tour to Dubai, this year, where I played netball and enjoyed experiencing a very different culture, the company of others on tour, and the warmer climate. I love sport and I not only enjoyed being a part of various teams, but also supporting others. I shall always remember the team-spirit at Framlingham.

I chose to study Biology, Chemistry and Maths at A-level, and I’m hoping to study Biomedical Sciences at Reading University starting in September 2016. After my degree I would love to travel and then either enter a career in medical research, a graduate-entry medicine degree, or even something farming-related, such as agronomy, building on years of summer farm-work at home.

I’ve met an amazing range of people and have so many memories of the last two years, which have gone past so quickly. I will miss being part of the College, and of Moreau, as well as our year group. It feels weird to think that we are leaving, but I look forward to maintaining my connection to the College and the people I’ve met whilst being here, so I plan to make sure that there will be more memorable experiences. I’m excited about trying and keep our year-group together and preserving friendships we have made, as well as all the other opportunities the Moreau scholarship and the Society of Old Framlinghamians have to offer.