Felix Juszt

2024 - 2027

I started at Fram in 2019, when I joined the prep school after the Christmas break in year 8. Joining for the sport, specifically for hockey, I got stuck in straight away and managed to help take our team to the Nationals. This was just one of the many great opportunities that I came to experience, and which I hadn’t had at any school prior to Fram, and it made me appreciate the school right from the outset.

Moving up to the senior school provided even more opportunities for me sports-wise, such as being able to train and later on play with the first XI from year 9 onwards. As I grew in the senior school, other sports began to take my interest, such as rugby. I hadn’t played much rugby at a high level before, and the school and coaches were excellent at helping me grow as a player. A particular highlight, and my favourite memory of being at the College was going on the South Africa tour in the summer of 2023, when we spent just under a fortnight playing games against South African teams and doing other amazing things, like going on a safari at sunset and sunrise, and visiting Robben Island.

But sport is not the only I’ll remember. The help and support throughout my academic journey at the college has also been great, especially in the sixth form. Being able to take my own subjects really allowed me to enjoy and thrive in my classes. Having taken Economics, Psychology and Photography I had a wide range of different subjects which all helped link together what I am planning to do at university, which is Business management with Marketing. Having the economic and business skills, together with the psychological knowledge and the creativity of photography, makes me feel like marketing is a natural choice for the next step of my life, and Fram has helped me to go into a path that I really enjoy and take huge interest in.

I will always be grateful for the opportunities that Framlingham has given me, and that is the big reason why I applied for the Moreau Leaving scholarship. Along with the obvious incentive of the money, that I plan to spend on a gap year travelling with a fellow leaver, I also saw the scholarship as a way of giving something back to my parents and the College. With the help of future, present and past scholars I want to keep together the tight knit community that Fram has built, and ensure that no friendships are lost or forgotten.