Hannah Gardner

2010 - 2013

Hannah came to the College when she was awarded the Albert Memorial Scholarship to study in the Sixth Form. Despite her relatively short stay she quickly made a real impact, becoming Deputy Head of Pembroke House and a School Prefect. Of her time at the school, Hannah says, “Two years really hasn’t been enough at Fram for me. I’ve got some of the best memories and I’ve been lucky enough to meet some life-long friends, and I know it won’t be difficult to stay in contact with any of them! It will be sad to say goodbye, but I feel we’re only really saying a temporary bye to the College. The people we’ve met and shared memories with throughout our time here will all hopefully be around long into the future”.

She studied Geography, Business Studies and Physical Education for A level and, partly on the basis of adventurous visits to Katmandu, Everest Base Camp and Kenya, she’s decided to study Anthropology at university. Outside the classroom she has been very active, representing the school in first-team hockey, netball and cricket. We OFs look forward to our first ever College v OF Ladies Cricket Match! At the time of the final interviews, she was working towards her D of E Gold Award, which she must surely have achieved by now. It’s clear that Hannah was a driving presence in Pembroke House, organizing in-house events and parties to bring people together. It is equally clear that Hannah is a lively, gregarious person, who gets on well with students and adults alike. She always threw herself into Framlingham life with gusto, having a go at anything that came up, and grabbing opportunities with both hands. Her contributions to Framlingham life have been quite disproportionate to the brevity of her time at the College – maybe she arrived with some idea of what she was letting herself in for, having been preceded there by her brother, Matt.

Speaking of her Moreau Leaving Scholarship and the immediate future, Hannah says, “I’m excited to be a big part of trying to keep our year-group in touch with each other and with some of the other year-groups, too. After Fram I’m hoping to study anthropology at Birmingham university, where one feature of my degree is a big opportunity for travelling, which is a great passion of mine, and I’m very interested to learn a lot more about culture and social relationships!”

Hannah certainly impressed the Moreau Selectors with plenty of good ideas as to how she might keep her year-group together and attract them back. Watch this space, Class of 2010, and keep an eye open for emails, Facebook messages etc. from Hannah. She will be keeping in touch.