Hannah Gunn

2006 - 2009

Hannah was born abroad and grew up in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe, becoming part of what she describes as the third-culture generation, moving regularly between countries and schools. She feels very strongly that Framlingham, and the friendships made there, has been hugely influential and is something of which she has no intention of letting go.

She is Deputy Head of Pembroke House and Vice President of the Sixth Form Society, where she had to work hard to maintain morale and enthusiasm in the face of a change of licensing laws, which meant that most of the Lower 6th were no longer allowed to drink alcohol.

Although “not sporty enough” to make the school teams, Hannah has always made the effort to participate in cross-country running, tennis, rounders, hockey, squash and chess because, she says, she really enjoyed the team spirit and social opportunities. Never one to resist a challenge, Hannah took part in the “World Challenge” Everest Base-Camp expedition in the summer of 2005, for which the fitness tests presented a really serious hurdle – one which she passed with flying colours. She was surprised to find that she actually enjoyed cross-country running!

While in the Lower 6th she was invited to represent Framlingham in the Students’ League of Nations in Geneva, where she so impressed the judges that they invited her back for following year’s assembly.

Looking forward, Hannah’s intention is to build on her personal experiences of different cultures, and to use that foundation to learn and appreciate broader aspects of international relations in both social and business environments, with the goal of a career in Consultancy . Her immediate plans are to study International Management at Manchester University followed by a conversion course to study Law.