Robert Norman

2007 - 2010

One of the reasons why Robert applied for a Moreau Scholarship was because he feels that the Society of Old Framlinghamians needs more active participation from its younger members, if it is to thrive and be in touch with the needs of new members from the time that they leave the College; and he’s looking forward to doing his bit to make this sure that this is so.

He loves going out socialising whether it be a small social in the pub or a large gathering for 18th birthdays or New Year’s parties and so organising events for his leaving-group would be something he would really enjoy.

As Head Prefect he’s had plenty of opportunity to demonstrate his organisational skills – something which will come in useful during his three-year term. He’s also been Captain of shooting which has meant setting up Inter-house shooting competitions as well as all the regular shooting events.

But what really makes Bob tick is farming and the countryside. He grew up on a farm, and feels passionately about a career related to this and the countryside. Living in a rural area has meant that much of his free time has been spent there, usually working on the family farm, not only driving a tractor but also learning about running a farming business. As Robert puts it, “I am deeply interested in the economics of agriculture, and I’ve keenly watched how many farmers have diversified and the ways in which they have carried this out. I am also interested in conservation and enjoy debates such as whether it is right to build on-shore wind farms”.

Robert has recently completed his Duke of Edinburgh’s Scheme Gold Award – no mean achievement; and this summer he’s taking part in the World Challenge expedition going to Chile and Bolivia for three weeks which he expects to be both eye opening and an exhilarating experience.

A keen, rather than an expert sportsman, he’s represented the College in all three main sports, playing for 2nds rugby, 4ths hockey and 3rds cricket. He intends to keep up with his rugby, but it’s probably shooting that will demand most of his attention. He also enjoys hobbies such as skiing, fly fishing, and sailing.

His A level subjects are Geography, Biology and Business Studies, and he hopes to go on to study farm management at University and develop his farming career.