Satine Margaryan

2022 - 2025

I joined Framlingham College for Sixth Form and during these two years I had the opportunity to get engaged in all aspects of school life and make lifelong friends. It is a place where we are all challenged to be the best version of ourselves and help those around us. What I always say, when talking about Framlingham College, is that it always sets an example for pupils to be thankful for what we have and always give back to the community we live in. So I think it is my time to give something back to my school, and keep my year group together after we leave.

Getting the warmest welcome to Framlingham College made me realize that this was going to be a place that would make a huge contribution in my life. And as I have already finished school, I can reassure you that it is true, as Framlingham has become my second home. As Head of Pembroke, I did my best to make every member of our boarding house feel the same way I felt about the college.

I want to pursue a career that is constantly evolving. For me, that means working in the field of business. Taking Business Studies for A-level has equipped me with the right skills and theory, and also shown me how interested I am to bring my business ideas to life. While studying Finance for my Business A level, I realised how much I enjoyed using skills from my Mathematics A-level in a practical setting. Studying Design and Technology not only increased my creativity level but also gave me the chance to further develop my hobby of designing through graphic design, which I can then use in developing marketing strategies. These have all contributed to me choosing to do a degree in Management and Marketing at university, in order to combine academic thinking and theory with the practical application of management and marketing.

I am extremely happy to be awarded a Moreau Leaving Scholarship and to have the opportunity to keep my year group in touch. As many of us will be in different parts of the world during the next couple of years, I believe that organising events that take place at the school could be crucial, as we would have the chance to come back to see each other and visit the key people of our school life: our housemasters/housemistresses, teachers, tutors etc. While living away from home, these people were always there to listen and support us in any way possible. Therefore, visiting them would show our appreciation. I do also think that involving other OFs, and people from other year groups, in these events would make the community of OFs much closer as a whole, and would help to keep the school’s key values present and ongoing.

I am grateful to Framlingham College and all its people for these incredible two years, and for the immense impact they had on shaping me as a person and preparing me for a bigger world.