Teddy Harrington

2010 - 2013

Teddy’s application for a Moreau Scholarship was very broadly supported, both by staff and by students. He has been Deputy Head of Stradbroke House and a College Prefect. He has also been prominent, in his capacity of Head of Charity at the College, in organising all sorts of charity events. He has helped not only to organise sports, House and charity-related functions, but also he chose to become a full boarder so as to be able to participate more fully in the life of the school. He says: “The College has been an incredible experience for me and I can’t believe my time here is over, the five years here have flown by! I will certainly miss Fram but will do my utmost to ensure that the friends I have made over the years stay close to one another.”

Although not the most naturally talented sportsman around, he clearly loves getting involved and giving anything ago. He was rewarded for his commitment by being part of the 1st XI football team, making appearances in all the games played in his last Spring Term at the College. Also, Teddy was the first person ever to gain a 1st XV squad tie without actually playing for the team! – this was his reward for having been the team’s devoted video analyst, and for helping to organise support for the matches, both home and away.

Teddy’s forte is clearly organisation. His enjoyment of organising a whole range of events (most recently the Inter-House Dancing Competition) has led him into choosing to pursue a course in Event Management at University, so the skills that he learns there will compound well with those abilities which are already manifest.
Asked for his final thoughts of his time at the College, Teddy says: “I have always considered myself very lucky to be at a place as good as Framlingham and to be part of Stradbroke House – I have a lot to thank them both for and I now feel that the College is my home. Although it will be sad to leave, I look forward to the next set of challenges. I am off to the University of Chichester, or to Loughborough College, to study Events Management. The plan for the future is to start-up and run my own events company, organising a variety of different events – this is a challenge that I am really looking forward to tackling head-on!”
Class of 2010 – prepare to be organised and enthused by someone widely considered to be a great motivator and ambassador. He has all the makings of being a very pro-active and popular OF. His many friends speak highly of his loyalty, kindness, friendliness and total commitment to whatever he undertakes.