
OF Golf Society Spring Meeting

This was our first visit to The Warren for a number of years and the scene of the very first OFGS Spring Meeting in 1950 when Colin Stokes, our present captain, played. I am pleased to report that he played 36 holes in 2007 and is still in good form!

The results were as follows:

Ranking Name Points
Captain’s Prize Jeremy Kemp 36(acb)
Minter Cup (Scr) Robin Anderton 26
1st Div 1 James Brocks 36
2nd Div 1 Chris Sneath 36(acb)
2nd Div 2 Alaistair Howard-Dobson 34
PM Foursomes
1st Jeremy Kemp & Alaistair Howard-Dobson 36
2nd Michael Spencer & Martin Lamb 35

There was a unanimous consensus that we should return there again next year so a provisional booking has been made for Tuesday, 20th May 2008.

Our next meeting will be at Aldeburgh on Friday, 14th September.


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