
OF Shooters Win Gold!

The “Parting Shot” competition is open to any team from anywhere in the world. In 2003 the OFs were delighted to come in fourth place, beating the USA senior team in the process. This year a strong Bisley OF contingent won first place, beating off a firm challenge from second placed Sussex HG by virtue of our excellent central “V” bull count.

The silver salver and gold medals will on display at the Suffolk Supper in October, along with all the trophies won by the team this season.

L-R Standing:
James Mehta; John Horton (Adjutant); John Halahan, Nigel Burnip
Front row:
Tom Chapman; David Argent (Wind Coach); Andrew Horton.

Scores: 2 sighters and 15 to count at 500 yds (maximum possible = 75.15)

Halahan 74.11
Chapman 74.9
Horton A 73.9
Mehta 72.7
Burnip 70.9
TOTAL: 363.45
Sussex HG 363.38
Greshams 361.32
Falkland Isles 358.34
Warminster 357.35
Police UK 354.29


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