OF Lodge 75th Anniversary Meeting

  • Date 15 April 2023
  • Venue The College
  • Price TBA

It is the Lodges 75th Anniversary on 15th April 15th 2023 when we will be holding an open meeting to present a history of our Lodge and what Freemasonry is all about. This will also include the Womens Freemason lodges in Suffolk as well as the mens showing that freemasonry is open to everyone.

It will be open to anyone to attend if they wish and there will be a dinner after the meeting. Full details can be found by clicking here.

Please contact the secretary Gary Duce. 01245328362 Email  L6646@suffolkfreemason.org.uk

Add your own story

We encourage you to participate and send us your stories, whether news, events, ceremonies, or anything else you would like to share with your fellow Old Framlinghamians.